torsdag 11. november 2010

How to get a PhD?

The faculty and SOMA welcome all master students to a seminar

What: Seminar " How to Get a PhD"
Who: Vice Dean Helge Klungland
When: Monday 15.11.10 kl 16.00 – 18.00
Where: ØHA 11

Giving you some information on:
*The components of a PhD programme
*How/when to apply, criteria for admission
*How/when to find a research project and supervisors
*Financing of studies - PhD research fellowship
*Experiences from PhD students

in any case a great opportunity to get some information if you might consider a PhD. If you have not thought about whether or not you want to, do come! And be able to get some idea on what a PhD could mean for you!!!

We hope to see all of you coming monday :)

For the presentation follow the link:
(I hope it will work, if not...I will find another way of gettting this information on the website soon)

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