torsdag 11. november 2010

How to get a PhD?

The faculty and SOMA welcome all master students to a seminar

What: Seminar " How to Get a PhD"
Who: Vice Dean Helge Klungland
When: Monday 15.11.10 kl 16.00 – 18.00
Where: ØHA 11

Giving you some information on:
*The components of a PhD programme
*How/when to apply, criteria for admission
*How/when to find a research project and supervisors
*Financing of studies - PhD research fellowship
*Experiences from PhD students

in any case a great opportunity to get some information if you might consider a PhD. If you have not thought about whether or not you want to, do come! And be able to get some idea on what a PhD could mean for you!!!

We hope to see all of you coming monday :)

For the presentation follow the link:
(I hope it will work, if not...I will find another way of gettting this information on the website soon)

torsdag 4. november 2010

SOMA's Annual Christmas Party

SOMA's Annual Christmas Party will take place on the 12th of November.

The doors open at 18.00 and the food will be served at 19.00. The location is the same as last year in the KVIK clubhouse next to Trondheim spectrum (Klostergata 86).

The cover/amount is 100 kr and includes a Traditional Norwegian Christmas Dinner; Ribbe (pork ribs), or Pinnekjøtt (lamb ribs). NB: Pls. specify which one you want when signing up.

There will be games and great prizes!!

Bring your own drinks!

Dresscode: Nice

Binding sign up/deadline for signing up is 5/11. Send an email to: with name and choice of dinner to sign up.
Payment must be done in advance, deadline 9/11.

We hope to see you all there!

torsdag 21. oktober 2010

Halloween Party!

On Saturday, the 30th of October at the studentroom in the MTFS building at 20:00, SOMA will come your way with this year's Halloween Party!

Dress Well, Dress Wild, Dress Scary, Dress Funny, Dress Anyhow
Halloween -simply 'costume' yourself- and come let's all have great fun!

A SPECIAL price is in-store for the 'best' Halloween costume:)

Hope to see you on Saturday!

lørdag 16. oktober 2010

Repeat of General Assembly

As a result of the somewhat low attendance at the last General Assembly, another General Assembly has been scheduled for this Tuesday, the 19th of October at 14:00 in LS41.

Among topics of discussion will be this Fall's SOMA events such as the seminar on everything you need to know about Phd positions in NTNU(how to apply, find supervisors etc.), the christmas party, quiz night at nattergalen among a lot more; and more importantly, the selection/election of new Board members - an opportunity that will be so worth your time:)

So please make time and let us all meet on Tuesday at 14:00 in LS41 for our General Assembly.

And of course, lots of Pizza and soda will be served!

Hope to see you on Tuesday:)

søndag 3. oktober 2010

General Assembly


It is announced for your information that this semester's SOMA General Assembly has been scheduled for this week THURSDAY, the 7TH of October in LS41 at 12:30pm.

It is important you make time to attend as we look forward to making known the activities and programmes organised by SOMA for the semester, as well as getting to hear the Financial Statement for 2009/10, and more especially, to elect New Board Members for 2010/11.

Note that Being part of the Board is an interesting and fun opportunity for you to actively get involved in running the affairs of SOMA and to be able to influence the decision-making processes for yourself and your fellow mates, and of course, having other sumptuous privileges of being a Board member.

As always, Free Pizza will be served amongst others.

We hope to see you on Thursday at 12:30!!!

tirsdag 24. august 2010

Volleyball Tournament - Canceled

Due to the nature and forecast of the weather today, the Volleyball
Tournament slated for this afternoon at 12noon has been canceled.

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience.

However, the Laser-gun shooting activity at Laserx Gokart Center has NOT been canceled and therefore we hope to meet you all outside the student society (studentersamfundet) at 17:15 so the fun can still continue:) Pls remember to sign up by sending your name to so we can know the number coming.

See you!

onsdag 18. august 2010

Buddy week (Fadderuka) 23.-28. August

At NTNU Soma have a "buddy system" arrangement where students will be devided into groups and assigned "buddies", who will help in getting through the first week in the new surroundings. "Buddies" are master`s students who have volunteered to help one or more of new master`s students. During the buddyweek Soma have arranged a lot of activites so that new students can get to know eachother, and get to know Trondheim alot better.

You can find the plans for the buddy week (23.-28. August) here:
Fadderuke brosjyre 2010 (Norwegian)
Buddy week program 2010 (English)

Hope to see you there!

Welcome back

On behalf of the Soma board, welcome back to old members, and welcome class of 2010!. We hope that your summer was full of memorable events, and that you are ready for another exciting school year. Soma have a lot planned for your school year, so prepare your schedule to participate in great events.

Just want to remind you that all master degree students at the medical faculty (DMF) of NTNU will automatically become members of Soma :-)

Hope to see you all during the buddy week :-)

torsdag 15. april 2010

fredag 12. mars 2010

Soma Snow Day - Photos

Soma was gathered at the bastion ready to have some fun. The weather could`nt have been any better, with blue skies and sun. We made hot dogs on disposable barbecues, and there were traditional Norwegian snacks like oranges and Kvikklunsj :) Almost everyone dared to set off down hill on sleds, which was really fun, whereas others tried skates on the ice.

Soma want to thank everybody there for a great time :)

lørdag 20. februar 2010

søndag 14. februar 2010


The Organization, SOMA, held its First General Assembly on the 10th of February for the year 2010. The main outcomes of the Assembly was the dissolution of the 2009 Executive Board and the subsequent inauguration of the New Executive Board into office.

Four New Members were elected into the New Board to replace the following Four Outgoing Board Members who had completed their term of office:
Hilde Fløystad (former President); Tove Reinertsen (former Economy Admin.); Nathalie Niyonzima; and Solveig Kvam.

For the 2010 Spring Semester, the Board now consist of Nine Members, namely:
• William E. Windsor (Msc.NEU.)-President
• Line H. Tangerås (Msc.MOL.MED.)-Vice President
• Helene Johannessen (Msc.MOL.MED.)-Economy Administrator
• Guro Stødle (Msc.MOL.MED.)–Secretary
• Seth Bonsu Agyei (Msc.NEU.)–Web Administrator
• Ann-Helen Leknes (Msc.MOL.MED.)–Vice Web Administrator
• Kate Szatkowska (Msc.MOL.MED.)–Activities Administrator
• Susann Grosse (Msc.MOL.MED)–Supporting Board Member
• Aina Rosenborg Haugen (Msc.MOL.MED.)–Supporting Board Member

We accordingly congratulate the Outgoing Board Members for a wonderful work rendered the Organization.
Welcome, to the brave people of the New Board who will steer the Organization to new achievements!

mandag 25. januar 2010

torsdag 7. januar 2010