torsdag 11. desember 2014

SOMA wish you all a 'God Jul'!

On Friday 14th November SOMA held its annual Christmas Party as a gift to all master students for their hard work throughout the Fall. 

It was a great time to make people aware of the feelings of being part of SOMA and how fulfilling can it be to help other students at DMF.

On behalf of SOMA Staff we would like to wish you all a 'God Jul' and that your wishes may be accomplished in the next year.

 Soma Members

søndag 26. oktober 2014

SOMA celebrates the arrival of the New Nobel Prizes

On Thursday 9th October, SOMA, as representative body of DMF at NTNU, had the pleasure for their first time of welcoming the new Nobel Prizes of Physiology or Medicine 2014: Prof. Edvard Moser & Prof. May-Britt Moser, from the Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience and Centre for Neural Computation.
The prize was also shared with Prof. John O'Keefe from UCL in London. 

The ceremony took place at the canteen of 'Det Medisinske Fakultet' at NTNU and was first presented by the managing director of St Olavs Hospital Nils Kvernmo. It also held many students and personal staff from the same faculty.

We, as SOMA members, would like to appreciate the opportunity the Faculty of Medicine gave us to be the ones representing all the students during the ceremony.

Check the results in press and media:

Student Organisation of Master Students at DMF

søndag 21. september 2014

SOMA Board Member Election

Thursday 25th of September at 15:00 there is a Master General Assembly where an election to become a member of the SOMA board will be held.

Food will be served!

Positions up for election are:
President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, Events Administrator, Web Administrator and three positions as supporting board members, 
In total 9 positions - something for all!

A golden opportunity to influence your time at DMF and volunteer work look good on your CV when applying for job.

Please join the event at 
 So, we know how many are joining us.

General Master Assembly

This fall's General Assembly at the Faculty of Medicine has been scheduled for 
Thursday 26th of October in NA, Nevrosenteret at 15:00.

First half will be held by the SPR (Study Program Representative) and then SOMA will hold their board election. 

Please join the event at 
 So, we know how many are joining us.

tirsdag 5. august 2014

SOMA Buddy Week 2014!

Dear New-comers, You are welcomed to join us in SOMA Buddy Week! Please read the poster in detail to get enough information about the Buddy Week. Hope to see you with us!
More information will be found here and on our facebook page. 
SOMA's Facebook page
 Any questions can be directed to:

tirsdag 8. juli 2014

Buddy Week 2014

SOMA is looking forward to the new students coming this fall. We are currently planning the 'Buddy week 2014' which will happen  between 18-23 August. More information will be found here and on our facebook page. 
SOMA's Facebook page
 Any questions can be directed to:

onsdag 29. januar 2014

Cabin Trip to Studenterhytta on Wednesday 19th February 2014

Hello SOMA members,

SOMA invites you to a magnificent cabin trip at Studenterhytta on a winter Wednesday night on 19th February. This is going to be a great moment for exchange and international master students to have lots of fun, play piano, sits beside the fire and talk.

We all be picked up from Gløshaugen or Dragvoll around 18:00 by the bus, which is free for those of you who are NTNUI members. Otherwise it costs 40 NOK for a round trip.

There, in the cabin, we will be also served a delicious dinner with only 60 kroner with tea. You can also drink for 20 to 55 NOK.

We all then be back by the bus around 10:00 at night.

For updated information please visit our page on Facebook: