fredag 4. november 2011
mandag 19. september 2011
The first SOMA LECTURE is getting closer and closer!
The topic will be "How to apply for a PhD position".
This is one of the lectures organized by SOMA LECTURES for the students of the medical faculty. The vice-Dean vice dean of the medical faculty Helge Klungland and current Ph.D. students here at NTNU will tell us all about how to obtain that one spot you really desire!
When: Thursday 29th of September, 16.00 – 18.00h at LA21 (in the labsenter)
We hope to see you all!
The topic will be "How to apply for a PhD position".
This is one of the lectures organized by SOMA LECTURES for the students of the medical faculty. The vice-Dean vice dean of the medical faculty Helge Klungland and current Ph.D. students here at NTNU will tell us all about how to obtain that one spot you really desire!
When: Thursday 29th of September, 16.00 – 18.00h at LA21 (in the labsenter)
We hope to see you all!
Christmas party
Ok, ok,
Calm down....I know we've only just started the new semessterr but I thought you all might want to reserve the date in your planners. As always we are trying to keep the scedules of everyone in mind, so this years party will be early as usual.
The 11th of November!
Keep it free and join us for an early christmas celebration!
Calm down....I know we've only just started the new semessterr but I thought you all might want to reserve the date in your planners. As always we are trying to keep the scedules of everyone in mind, so this years party will be early as usual.
The 11th of November!
Keep it free and join us for an early christmas celebration!
torsdag 8. september 2011
Buddy week is over....
It's true the buddy week is past...Lucky for us: we have the memories and the pictures :) This is not the only thing SOMA is doing, so not to worry! Our upcoming events will include social trips and gatherings and of course a general assembly.
First on the list: SOMA goes to Vitensenteret!
The next big event will be one of the first SOMA LECTURES. The topic will be "How to apply for a PhD position". This is one of the lectures organized by SOMA LECTURES for the students of the medical faculty. The vice-Dean vice dean of the medical faculty Helge
Klungland and current Ph.D. students here at NTNU will tell us all about how to obtain that one spot you really desire!
When: Thursday 29th of September, 16.00 – 18.00h at LA21 (in the labsenter)
More events will follow and we hope to see you all!
First on the list: SOMA goes to Vitensenteret!
Want to be a kid again for an afternoon? SOMA invites all masters students to join us for a visit to the Science Center of Trondheim, which has loads of fun and games for children of all ages.
Meet at Vitensenteret (Kongensgate 1) at 14:30, and bring 30kr for entrance fee. We hope to see you there!The next big event will be one of the first SOMA LECTURES. The topic will be "How to apply for a PhD position". This is one of the lectures organized by SOMA LECTURES for the students of the medical faculty. The vice-Dean vice dean of the medical faculty Helge
Klungland and current Ph.D. students here at NTNU will tell us all about how to obtain that one spot you really desire!
When: Thursday 29th of September, 16.00 – 18.00h at LA21 (in the labsenter)
More events will follow and we hope to see you all!
mandag 22. august 2011
Welcome (back) to the University!
Some of the courses are already starting up, but that does not stop us from having some fun together. WE've got a pretty sweet line up of activities coming your way:
Monday: 18.00h
BBQ time!
Bring something to drink, some food and Meet up at the Høyskoleparken. WE'll provide some food, the grills to bake your own food and provide some games. Have fun and get to know eachother!
Afterwards for those who want we'll go to "Den gode nabo" at Bakklandet, a nice place to sit and continue an evening in good company :)
Tuesday: 14.00h
Information meeting
Meet up at the medical library and find out how the library can help you during your studies!
18.00h Walk at Ladestien
Come and explore one of the most beatiful places around Trondheim! We'll take bus 3 from Munkegata to Ladekirke. At the end of the walk you'll find yourselves at a nice place for swimming, playing volleybal or just simply relaxing.
NB! Be on time!!! The bus leaves just after 18.00h!
Wednesday: 12.ooh
SOMA Lunch
A regular oportunity to meet up is created in the SOMA LUNCH. Come and bring your lunch to the MTFS cafeteria, meet up with your buddies and new friends, talk over course options/upcoming events/anything in particular :)
18.30h Lasertag
Ever wanted to go hunting? Grab a laser gun at Lzerx Gokart center and "shoot down" your new friend. We'll take bus 3 from the Studentersamfundet (the big red, round building) at 18.15h.
!!! We will need you to sign up via soma@list.stud.ntnu.no !!!!
Thursday: 20.00h
We'll start out our tour around some of the most popular bars in Trondheim at "Bær og Bar" at Solsiden. Come and tast delicious smoothies and one of the many other specialties those bars have to offer!
Friday: 18.00h
PIZZA night
All you can eat Pizza night at Egon in the Tyholt tower! See the whole of trondheim from the air while your enjoying pizza. Meet at munkegata at 18.00h to take the bus up to the tower :)
NB!! We will need you to sign up for this activity via soma@list.stud.ntnu.no !!!!
Saterday: 20.00h
Last event of the buddyweek!
Dress up and meet us at the bar "Nattergalen for an evening filled with fun and games :)
WE hope to see everyone of course! ENJOY THE START OF A NEW ADVENTURE AT NTNU!
Some of the courses are already starting up, but that does not stop us from having some fun together. WE've got a pretty sweet line up of activities coming your way:
Monday: 18.00h
BBQ time!
Bring something to drink, some food and Meet up at the Høyskoleparken. WE'll provide some food, the grills to bake your own food and provide some games. Have fun and get to know eachother!
Afterwards for those who want we'll go to "Den gode nabo" at Bakklandet, a nice place to sit and continue an evening in good company :)
Tuesday: 14.00h
Information meeting
Meet up at the medical library and find out how the library can help you during your studies!
18.00h Walk at Ladestien
Come and explore one of the most beatiful places around Trondheim! We'll take bus 3 from Munkegata to Ladekirke. At the end of the walk you'll find yourselves at a nice place for swimming, playing volleybal or just simply relaxing.
NB! Be on time!!! The bus leaves just after 18.00h!
Wednesday: 12.ooh
SOMA Lunch
A regular oportunity to meet up is created in the SOMA LUNCH. Come and bring your lunch to the MTFS cafeteria, meet up with your buddies and new friends, talk over course options/upcoming events/anything in particular :)
18.30h Lasertag
Ever wanted to go hunting? Grab a laser gun at Lzerx Gokart center and "shoot down" your new friend. We'll take bus 3 from the Studentersamfundet (the big red, round building) at 18.15h.
!!! We will need you to sign up via soma@list.stud.ntnu.no !!!!
Thursday: 20.00h
We'll start out our tour around some of the most popular bars in Trondheim at "Bær og Bar" at Solsiden. Come and tast delicious smoothies and one of the many other specialties those bars have to offer!
Friday: 18.00h
PIZZA night
All you can eat Pizza night at Egon in the Tyholt tower! See the whole of trondheim from the air while your enjoying pizza. Meet at munkegata at 18.00h to take the bus up to the tower :)
NB!! We will need you to sign up for this activity via soma@list.stud.ntnu.no !!!!
Saterday: 20.00h
Last event of the buddyweek!
Dress up and meet us at the bar "Nattergalen for an evening filled with fun and games :)
WE hope to see everyone of course! ENJOY THE START OF A NEW ADVENTURE AT NTNU!
tirsdag 24. mai 2011
Do YOU want to be a BUDDY?
August 16-28, SOMA will arrange a buddy week for new Master students at the
Medical Faculty. We want to give them a warm welcome from the start, and to
do that we need your help!
As a buddy, you will be the coolest kid on the block and an immense source
of wisdom for the new students. You will help with showing them around town,
picking courses to attend, and sharing your experiences at DMF. No
obligations, just fun J
All you have to do is let us know if you can be there, do so by replying via
email or talk to anyone on the SOMA board.
Thank You so much for helping out the new students!
Medical Faculty. We want to give them a warm welcome from the start, and to
do that we need your help!
As a buddy, you will be the coolest kid on the block and an immense source
of wisdom for the new students. You will help with showing them around town,
picking courses to attend, and sharing your experiences at DMF. No
obligations, just fun J
All you have to do is let us know if you can be there, do so by replying via
email or talk to anyone on the SOMA board.
Thank You so much for helping out the new students!
tirsdag 12. april 2011
Coming soon!
Hallo everyone,
I know we have been somewhat quiet of lately. With the last weeks of courses and than a lot of revising to do, it is easy to lose sight of eachother. But everyone would like to stay in touch and have a chance to hear how everyone is doing, we presume. Think about questions as: Does everyone have a nice spot for working on the thesis, have they started allready, how where the courses? And many other things we might want to hear from eachother....
To help you do that we'll soon bring you an opportunity:
SOMA Lunch!
Not all the details are known yet, but as soon as we have all the infomation gathered you'll be invited!
So for now: Good luck with everything!
I know we have been somewhat quiet of lately. With the last weeks of courses and than a lot of revising to do, it is easy to lose sight of eachother. But everyone would like to stay in touch and have a chance to hear how everyone is doing, we presume. Think about questions as: Does everyone have a nice spot for working on the thesis, have they started allready, how where the courses? And many other things we might want to hear from eachother....
To help you do that we'll soon bring you an opportunity:
SOMA Lunch!
Not all the details are known yet, but as soon as we have all the infomation gathered you'll be invited!
So for now: Good luck with everything!
tirsdag 22. februar 2011
Snow Day!!!
fredag 11. februar 2011
Join us next tuesday, the 15th of February!!!
From 12.15h at the labsenter, LS41
And get to know:
So don't hesitate to join us!
Join us next tuesday, the 15th of February!!!
From 12.15h at the labsenter, LS41
And get to know:
- What we have in store for you this semester
- How we are going to pay for it
- Who is arranging it all
- How you can be a part of it!
So don't hesitate to join us!
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